If Christ " died for everyone " then " everyone " is saved... otherwise, Christ failed at Calvary...
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simple simon
2009-01-09 12:03:27 UTC
the kind of Savior offered today is based solely on a gospel where one must first
do something good towards Christ... then God owes him something... and thus he is
saved... salvation is the payment for doing good.

such is the gospel of the Fundamentalist types.

on the one hand they say " Christ died for everyone " yet
" everyone " is not saved... the Bible is replete with verses which declare hell will
be quite full. but how can this be since the Fundamentalists say Christ died for
everyone ?

they are offering a Savior who failed at Calvary to secure salvation for
" everyone."

mix in a good work, such as, " asking Jesus to come into your heart"
" make a decision for Christ " ... " accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior " ... and
then ( and only then ) will He have died for ' someone, ' but not everyone.

a pardon that doesn't pardon is no pardon at all. an atonement that doesn't atone
is not an atonement which includes ' everyone. '

so, if you're offering a gospel of a Savior who died for everyone and everyone
isn't saved then you have a different gospel than that of the Bible.

if you are offering a gospel where something good from man must come first before
God can save then you have a salvation by works gospel and something of which to puff
up your chest, wag your head and boast.

the Savior that is really offered by the Fundamentalist types is not omnipotent and
did in fact fail at Calvary. His work at the cross is incomplete without the help of
man doing something good towards God prompting Him, requiring of Him to save... save
but only the ' few ' since He died for everyone.

this makes no sense because its a gospel made by man for man.

the gospel of the Bible says man is saved by the Omnipotent Savior Jesus Christ
Eternal God the Son by His grace... and grace means unmerited favor... if you've "
asked Jesus to come into your heart " you've merited salvation by that good work...
which is no salvation at all.
2009-01-10 06:22:47 UTC
Post by simple simon
the kind of Savior offered today is based solely on a gospel where one must first
do something good towards Christ... then God owes him something... and thus he is
saved... salvation is the payment for doing good.
such is the gospel of the Fundamentalist types.
This is what the Scriptures say exp. Acts 26:20 repent and turn to God,
and do good works. does that sound the same as what your preaching?? no
Post by simple simon
on the one hand they say " Christ died for everyone " yet
" everyone " is not saved... the Bible is replete with verses which declare hell will
be quite full. but how can this be since the Fundamentalists say Christ died for
everyone ?
they are offering a Savior who failed at Calvary to secure salvation for
" everyone."
mix in a good work, such as, " asking Jesus to come into your heart"
" make a decision for Christ " ... " accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior " ... and
then ( and only then ) will He have died for ' someone, ' but not everyone.
a pardon that doesn't pardon is no pardon at all. an atonement that doesn't atone
is not an atonement which includes ' everyone. '
Salvation is conditional, LK.3:3. except you repent, LK. 17:3. if you
repent, EXCEPT and IF are conditions you must meet, Rev. 2:5. DO FIRST THE
Post by simple simon
so, if you're offering a gospel of a Savior who died for everyone and everyone
isn't saved then you have a different gospel than that of the Bible.
if you are offering a gospel where something good from man must come first before
God can save then you have a salvation by works gospel and something of which to puff
up your chest, wag your head and boast.
Read the capital letters above.
Post by simple simon
the Savior that is really offered by the Fundamentalist types is not omnipotent and
did in fact fail at Calvary. His work at the cross is incomplete without the help of
man doing something good towards God prompting Him, requiring of Him to save... save
but only the ' few ' since He died for everyone.
this makes no sense because its a gospel made by man for man.
the gospel of the Bible says man is saved by the Omnipotent Savior Jesus Christ
Eternal God the Son by His grace... and grace means unmerited favor... if you've "
asked Jesus to come into your heart " you've merited salvation by that good work...
which is no salvation at all.
Read the capital letters above and pray for understanding, do not preach
satans words anymore, your soul is in trouble.
2009-04-26 18:42:48 UTC
Re: If Christ " died for everyone " then " everyone " is saved... otherwise, Christ failed at Calvary...
the kind of Savior offered today is based solely on a gospel where one must first
do something good towards Christ... then God owes him something... and thus he is
saved... salvation is the payment for doing good.
such is the gospel of the Fundamentalist types.
on the one hand they say " Christ died for everyone " yet
" everyone " is not saved... the Bible is replete with verses which declare hell will
be quite full. but how can this be since the Fundamentalists say Christ died for
everyone ?
they are offering a Savior who failed at Calvary to secure salvation for
" everyone."
mix in a good work, such as, " asking Jesus to come into your heart"
" make a decision for Christ " ... " accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior " ... and
then ( and only then ) will He have died for ' someone, ' but not everyone.
a pardon that doesn't pardon is no pardon at all. an atonement that doesn't atone
is not an atonement which includes ' everyone. '
so, if you're offering a gospel of a Savior who died for everyone and everyone
isn't saved then you have a different gospel than that of the Bible.
if you are offering a gospel where something good from man must come first before
God can save then you have a salvation by works gospel and something of which to puff
up your chest, wag your head and boast.
the Savior that is really offered by the Fundamentalist types is not omnipotent and
did in fact fail at Calvary. His work at the cross is incomplete without the help of
man doing something good towards God prompting Him, requiring of Him to save... save
but only the ' few ' since He died for everyone.
this makes no sense because its a gospel made by man for man.
the gospel of the Bible says man is saved by the Omnipotent Savior Jesus Christ
Eternal God the Son by His grace... and grace means unmerited favor... if you've "
asked Jesus to come into your heart " you've merited salvation by that good work...
which is no salvation at all.
Re: If Christ " died for everyone " then " everyone " is saved...

If people don't read the whole Bible, it may appear that way to some.
To get right to the heart of the matter, since we are discussing
Christ, why not let Christ settle the controversy. Notice very
carefully Jesus' wording in the following verses. Lu 6:46-49,

"46 "Why do you call me, `Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?
47. I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my
words and puts them into practice.
48. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid
the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that
house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
49. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into
practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a
foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and
its destruction was complete." " (NIV)

Notice that those who call Jesus "Lord" but who do not PRACTICE Jesus'
words, will receive 'complete destruction'. Thus universal salvation
(even for those professing to be Christian) is only a teaching of men,
not of God and Jesus. Obedience to God and Jesus is also essential.

Sincerely, James

If you wish to have a discussion with me, please use email since I do
not follow all conversations in ng threads

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